Virtual Academy Services
A Personalized Educational Experience
The flexibility of online learning allows students to customize their educational experience. Virtual Academy Services of Warren County School District provide your student with a personalized learning approach, where they can work from the comfort of their home or anywhere there is internet access. With the opportunity to create their own course schedule, students benefit from learning options tailored to meet their individual needs.
K-12 Curriculum
Virtual Academy Services offer a high quality virtual education for students in grades K-12. We are continually adding courses to the ever-expanding course catalog, giving your student a real classroom education, online. All courses are standards-based, to ensure the highest quality education for students.
Our curriculum has been specifically designed for use in online instruction and time-tested for over a decade. Each course is backed by PA certified teachers and lays the groundwork for future academic success by:
Building a solid foundation in reading, writing and mathematics
Developing lifelong learning and analytical skills
Encouraging exploration, critical thinking and problem solving
Students will have all the resources needed at their fingertips from top educational leaders like:
Accelerate Education
FlexPoint Education
Method Teacher
Pointful Education
eDynamic Learning
Virtual Academy Services of Warren County School District provide services to any student within the borders of the Warren County School District or any other cooperating school district.
Hometown Diploma
Virtual Academy Services allow students to obtain their diploma from their local school as well as the opportunity to walk at graduation with their peers.
K-5 teachers engage in live lessons using Accelerate Education curriculum. In addition, a full-time teacher is available on site from 7:55 am. to 3:15 pm. every school day. Grades 6-12 use a variety of educational curriculum supported by certified WCSD teachers.
Course Schedules
Students are able to set up a course schedule that works for them. We offer:
Custom (as little as 1-2 courses)
Credit Recovery Programs
NCAA Approved
Through Virtual Academy Services, students are able to participate in their local school's sports teams. Our curriculum is NCAA Approved, which means we adhere to academic standards that student athletics must meet in order to compete in intercollegiate athletics.
Extracurricular Activities
While attending Virtual Academy Services, students are able to participate in their local school's extracurricular activities. The flexibility of our curriculum allows students to work around these social activities.
We have partnered with numerous online educational vendors. All courses are under one learning management system, which enables us to deliver successful virtual instruction to thousands of students in the last decade. All curriculum is standards-based in order to meet each state's requirements. Each course offered by VAS is backed by PA certified teachers.
Additional Opportunities
Virtual Academy Services partners with your school district in order to offer additional opportunities such as: going to your local school for additional courses, field trips, attending school dances and proms, local technical school offerings, local events, guest speakers, career counseling and more.
How to......
Submitting Assignments
This video shows students how to submit assignments into their dropboxes.
Note Taking and Speech Stream Toolbar
This video shows students how to access course features such as the note taking and the Speech Stream toolbar.
Virtual Tutorial
This video shows users how to get to a Virtual Academy course and access your activities.
Monitoring Progress & Grades
Virtual Academy students and parents will want to watch this video to see how they can monitor student progress and grades.

The education you expect, in a style all your own.
Our Team
Our staff of veteran educators are ready to bring our track record of innovative and effective virtual education to you!

Get Informed
Where are my teachers located?
All teachers are Pennsylvania certified and located in Warren County School District.
How will I meet with my teachers?
Student-teacher meetings can be done virtually, through video-conferencing, or you may set up a time with your teacher to meet face-to-face. Elementary students meet daily for a Language Arts and Mathematics lesson.
How long does it take to be enrolled in the Virtual Academy?
Each individual circumstance is different. It can be as quick as 24 hours, and typically no longer than a few days.
Will I receive a public school diploma?
Yes. Students will be able to walk in their home school’s graduation and receive a public school diploma.
Can I participate in sports and other extracurricular activities?
Yes, you absolutely can! Virtual Academy Services students are able to participate in all extracurriculars and sports offered by their home school district.
Where can I work on my coursework? Do I have limited access since it's "Virtual"?
No, that doesn't mean limited access! Quite the opposite, actually. Since the Virtual Academy is a web-based program, students can access their course materials anywhere there is high speed internet connection. Students can work at home, school, their local coffee shop, the library... anywhere with a connection!
What type and/or level of course are currently offered?
High school: Credit recovery, non-college prep, college prep, honors, and numerous electives including career-oriented courses. All CP and Honors courses are NCAA approved.
Middle school: Regular and advanced level coursework.
Elementary: K-5 coursework and specials.​
How many courses can one student take?
Students can choose and customize the amount of courses they take based on their specific needs and interests. A student may take anywhere from one to eight courses through the Virtual Academy.
Who can I contact for information?
For more any questions, please contact Virtual Academy Services at 814-723-0574 ext. 1315.